Different jobs have been done on the historical building including demolishing some shapes added during the 1932 reform; drainage, cleaning, consolidation or restoration of original stone or wood building elements; adapting the facilities, etc. This is the area of the work that has caused the most unexpected incidents with interesting archaeological findings and vestiges of old paintings on the church.
The most important jobs took place in the following areas:
Formerly called the Aranzadi Hall, this is where most of the shapes added in the 20th century were removed, leaving the outside walls of the church bare in the area next to the mountain and the chapels. This is also one of the points where archaeological remains have been found, specifically a series of burials in the Chapter Room, in the part closest to the cloister.
There have also been relevant findings here as the work has gone on. On the one hand, remains of several old crypts have been found, of which only one, due to its condition, has been recovered and can be visited within the museum (although its characteristics mean that it cannot be made accessible). In addition, a 16th century wall painting has also been discovered in the vaults and this has been restored and researched.
Due to the poor condition it was found in, the tower has required extra renovation work. Even so, a new section of staircase has been built joining up with the second floor. Three spaces have been opened up in the cloister to facilitate internal circulation and the spiral staircase next to the cloister and the chapter room have been recovered museographically as a possible access to the viewpoint (once again, given its characteristics, it has been impossible to make it accessible) always searching out a solution that respects the heritage.
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