Figure of Admiral Oquendo in military attire with his sword in his right hand.
Work erected through popular subscription promoted by the City Council of San Sebastián. Cast in bronze (granted by the Ministry of War, taken from old cannon) in the Masriera workshops in Barcelona and placed on a terrace of stone from Mutriku. The first stone was laid on 5th September 1887. Unveiled on 12th September 1894 to coincide with the anniversary of the Battle of Pernambuco. On the day of the unveiling, a bronzed plaster replica was positioned, because the original had broken at the foundry and had to be cast again. The definitive piece was placed in position on 18th March 1895. The allegorical statues of War and the Navy, in marble, placed on the pedestal, are also by Aguirre. Carmelo Echegaray wrote the inscriptions for the statue (after they had received the approval of the Academy of History). There were several differences between the sculptor and the Royal Academy of San Fernando regarding the execution of the work.